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6 min · 7 Nov 2023


Modern design news platform

I created and run to show latest design news, informatino and tutorials.

FoxGibbon is a carefully curated platform for design and creative inspiration featuring design news, psychology and ideas.

In the dynamic world of UX and UI design, staying updated with the latest trends, techniques, and best practices is crucial. Recognizing this need, I embarked on a creative journey and established, a blog dedicated to sharing valuable UX and UI design tips and information. This article will delve into the process of creating the blog, which involved extensive research, prototyping, testing, leveraging analytics, and employing AI to enhance articles and receive valuable suggestions. Furthermore, I will outline how I crafted the logo and branding to establish a strong visual identity for

Laying the Foundation

The first step in creating was to conduct research. This involved studying the latest industry trends, analyzing popular design blogs, and understanding the target audience's needs and preferences. By identifying knowledge gaps and areas where I could add value, I set the direction for my blog.

Establishing Visual Identity

foxGibbon website
Early sketches of FoxGibbon logo
foxGibbon website
FoxGibbon logo and branding process

Understanding the significance of visual identity in brand establishment, I undertook the task of designing a unique logo and branding. Through careful consideration of typography, color schemes, and graphic elements, I crafted a visually appealing logo that captured the essence of the blog's focus on UX and UI design. The branding was extended across various touchpoints, including the website, social media profiles, and promotional materials.

Designing the User Experience

With a clear vision in mind, I began prototyping the blog's user experience. I focused on creating an intuitive and visually appealing interface, ensuring easy navigation and seamless accessibility of content. Employing wireframing and rapid prototyping techniques, I iteratively refined the design to optimize user engagement.

Enhancing Content and Engagement

To continuously improve the quality of articles and engage readers effectively, I integrated the use analytics and AI technologies. By analyzing user behavior, such as page views, time spent on articles, and click-through rates, I gained valuable insights into popular topics and reader preferences. Additionally, leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT, I enhanced articles by incorporating relevant suggestions and providing personalized recommendations to readers.

Creating was a rewarding journey, driven by a passion for UX and UI design. Through extensive research, prototyping, and testing, I crafted a user-centric blog that provides valuable insights to its readers. By integrating analytics and AI technologies, I continually enhance the quality of content and engage readers effectively. The logo and branding contribute to a strong visual identity, reinforcing the blog's credibility and attracting a loyal community of design enthusiasts. As continues to grow and evolve, it remains dedicated to sharing the latest UX and UI design trends and helping designers create exceptional user experiences. See the live website here.

FoxGibbon web
FoxGibbon web
  • Ux
  • UI


7 Nov 2023 · 6 min

I spearheaded a comprehensive and meticulous process that spanned over two years.